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Why Play is The Key to An Inspired Career Change and How to Dare Greatly

Welcome to another episode of The Cassandra Gaisford Show, where I interview inspiring men and women from around the world and tell you THEIR story of finding, launching, and growing their own passion-driven life and career. I call these people – Passionpreneurs.

Now let the journey begin…

Today I feel honoured to have CHELSEA BEHRENS with me. Chelsea enjoys a career combo. She is a career coach and professional speaker.

Chelsea lives in Seattle, USA with her husband and has a background in tech and accounting. She loves helping people find their jive! And she loves connecting with others and helping people live their most authentic lives.

I first met Chelsea after she had read my book How to Find Your Passion and Purpose and interviewed me for her Leading With Authenticity Summit. We spoke about how to stress less and find who you truly are and who you truly want to be. Yes, folks, it’s all about passion. You can listen and watch the interview on the podcast page of my website: https://www.thejoyfulartist.co.nz/podcast/

“As I approached my 40th birthday, I had a feeling that I needed to “rise to the occasion,” a then 39-year-old Chelsea said to herself.

And so began the evolving of her new career path, from secure salaried employee to burnt-out side-hustler to playful entrepreneur. Chelsea shares how developing a success mindset, doing something you really enjoy, and collaborating with passionate others creates midlife magic. I hope you enjoy this interview. Scroll down for links to our video chat on my Youtube channel.

At what age did you change careers/start your business?

I started the business at 40 and left corporate at 43 to pursue my business full-time.

What is your business called? What do you do?

Rise to the Occasion; I help professional women find their gifts and a career they love as a career coach. I’m also a speaker

How did you choose your business name?

As I approached my 40th birthday, I had a feeling that I needed to “rise to the occasion” to help others step out of negative rumination and into their unique internal power. “Rise to the Occasion” was the self-talk I used to calm my fears.

Why did you start your business, or employ yourself? How did you decide what to do?

I played with what I wanted to do as a side hustle. I hired coaches to support and challenge me along the way. When I first started, I hosted in-person events centered around a variety of topics that I was passionate about – some landed, others didn’t.

The next year I hosted two online shows and started coaching. The third year I completed a coaching training, hosted an online show, and coached at the company I was working for. This year, the fourth year, I took the leap!

How did you find an idea that would be successful?

Coaching has brought so much value to my life. I learned through coach training how much value it can bring to other people’s lives. As a speaker, I’ve received positive reviews and have helped groups move forward through the materials. The feedback and seeing both in action gave me validation for my idea.

How did you the right product for the right market?

This is a work in progress. I started by identifying my ideal client as a demographic and am now looking at my ideal client as a psychographic.

Is it hard work and how do you keep your energy levels?

What I’m integrating into right now is strengthening my mindset. Going from 20 years in corporate to full-time entrepreneur is a big change.

Did you keep your day job, and start something on the side? How did you find the time? What advice would you give others?

I did keep my day job and start something on the side. If you choose to do this, make sure it’s something you really enjoy and you have a vision for where you want it to go.

When I started, I dedicated time in the evenings and the weekends – past the point of burnout. I learned how to prioritize and create boundaries after that. I hired part-time help as quickly as possible to help with the things that would take me more time than I had to figure out. The virtual assistant I have now has been with me for over a year and I’ve learned what she’s passionate about doing. I delegate those things to her – video editing and graphics as an example.

Is running the business a 24 x 7 thing? How do you maintain balance; find time for family; your relationship; your hobbies?

Since I “graduated” from corporate, I want my life to look different. It’s something I’ve visualized and dreamt about for years. Part of that vision is having a lifestyle where I can travel, can work from anywhere, and work less than 40 hours a week. I align my business with that vision.

My husband and family have been supportive. When my family gets nervous, I change the topic. I’ve joined groups and communities that help me stay positive and focused on my vision.

How did you find customers?

My customers are people in my network or people who have been referred to me.

Did you require start-up capital? How did you find it?

My business has a low overhead. I’ve used savings to invest in my business and professional growth and development.

What is the secret to success, managing cash flow, and generating regular income?

I have a vision for this.

Was there a learning curve? What skills did you need to learn?

There is a learning curve. A new business doesn’t grow and thrive in 24 hours. It takes time and patience to cultivate and grow. I’m learning about patience, the importance of relationships, staying optimistic and in possibility, flexibility, and the power of saying no.

What advice would you give to someone who has never started a business or being self-employed?

Run the numbers – identify what you want to make and reverse engineer it to see if what you’re planning can get you where you want to go financially. If it doesn’t, brainstorm other ways you can bring in income.

Save money – a few years ago a woman entrepreneur told me to save a year of my salary before I left corporate. I did this without realizing it.

Start now – taking action builds confidence and lays a foundation. I left corporate before I thought I was going to but I had a lot of things in place – my business name, my LLC, a website, who my accountant is, etc.

What are the steps to self-employment? Is there a “right” order? Knowing what you now know, what would you differently?

There isn’t a “right” order. Each person has their own experience, their own tools, their own guides that will lead them on their path.

I am doing my best to relax and be okay with uncertainty. Learning this looks like a recipe to success for the entrepreneurial lifestyle ahead.


It’s never too late to make a career change. Discover more inspiring career change stories in MidLife Career Rescue: Employ Yourself.

To enjoy your copy from Amazon, click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BH9GVE6

To enjoy your copy from iBooks, Barnes & Noble and other great bookstores, click here: https://books2read.com/u/4EkWlM

To enjoy your copy from Kobo, click here: https://www.kobo.com/nz/en/ebook/mid-life-career-rescue-employ-yourself

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Posted in: Blog, Client success story

Why Play is The Key to An Inspired Career Change and How to Dare Greatly

The Joyful Artist

I am an artist, storyteller, intuitive guide, mentor and Reiki master. All my creations are infused with positive energy , inspiration, and light. I believe in magic and the power of beauty, joy, love, purpose, and creativity to transform your life. My greatest joy is helping your realize your dreams. That makes my soul sing!

P: +64 (0) 21 873 833
E: hello@thejoyfulartist.co.nz


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