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Live Passionately!

my lovely experiences

We are all pens in the hands of a writing God sending love letters to the world.

~ Mother Theresa

Do you know how to find and follow your purpose? If you are new to me you may not know that I have a passion for passion. One of my most popular books on Amazon is How To Find Your Passion And Purpose: Four Easy Steps to Discover A Job You Want and Live the Life You Love

The vision was simple: a few short, easy to digest tips for time-challenged people who were looking for inspiration and practical strategies to encourage positive change. Passion is like a flower—it attracts people and situations to you that enables you to blossom into your full potential.

When we are pursuing something we are passionate about our energy, drive and determination is infinite. We become like pieces of elastic able to stretch to anything and accommodate any setback.  People immobilised by fear and passivity snap like a twig. They lack resilience.

Passion gives us a reason for living and the confidence, and the drive to pursue our dreams.

My passion for colour has opened many doors for me. Most recently as an artist, gallery owner and designer. My passion for uplifting others feeds into this passion and also as an author and a teacher. Passion energises me and makes me happy. My passion feeds my soul.

“It is in giving that I connect with others, with the world and with the divine”, says author Isabel Allende. I definitely agree.

Tapping into higher levels of consciousness is how many prosperous people achieve phenomenal results. As Dr. Joe Dispenza writes in his book Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, “An innate higher intelligence gives us life.” 

Centred around what you may call your divine, spiritual, or subconscious mind, Dispenza’s research has shown that when people tap into their inner power they connect with a greater mind and an elevated consciousness. 

Others refer to this heightened super-consciousness as their soul or heart, and believe that we are all born into this life with a pre-destined life purpose. 

It is in living this soul purpose, and consciously or unconsciously tapping into universal needs, that people forge connections that lead to their prosperity.

Very often the gifts that are bestowed to successful people arise from some of the darkest nights of their souls. They use their gifts to heal and transcend their pain and share what they have learned in the hope that it helps others.

J.K. Rowling escaped an abusive relationship and found comfort creating a fantasy world full of magic.

Elizabeth Gilbert left a loveless marriage and wrote Eat, Pray, Love.

Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote Man’s Search for Meaning following his experience as a prisoner in German concentration camps.

Paulo Coelho wrote The Alchemist in less than two weeks following his own search for meaning. The book’s main theme is about finding one’s destiny. According to The New York Times, The Alchemist is more self-help than literature.

“When you really want something to happen, the whole universe will conspire so that your wish comes true,” an old king tells Santiago in The Alchemist. This is the core of the novel’s philosophy and a motif that plays throughout Coelho’s writing. 

He speaks from experience—turning his back on the legal profession his parents wanted him to pursue, Coelho desperately wanted to become a writer.

“Books are not here to show how intelligent and cultivated you are. Books are out there to show your heart, to show your soul, and to tell your fans ‘I’m not alone’,” Coelho says.  “I hope you are not alone; you can identify yourself with my books, my words, as I can identify myself with your garden, your music—anything we do with love.”

I, and other visual artists, feel this way when we paint. I paint to uplift myself and others.

Benefits of creating with passionate purpose include:

• Tapping into your life’s purpose gives you an edge; it stokes the flames of passion, enthusiasm, drive, and initiative needed to succeed 

• A sense of purpose can give you the courage, tenacity, and clarity of vision needed to thrive 

• Purpose fuels the embers of flagging motivation and latent dreams

• A sense of purpose can lead you to the work you were born to do

• Discovering your true calling opens you up to the dreams the Universe has for you—bigger than you can dream for yourself

• Creating with purpose connects you with divine intelligence, universal energy, and the laws of attraction—magnetising readers to you

What experiences give your life meaning and purpose?

How could working with purpose benefit you and others?


P.S. Do you need helping finding your purpose? You’ll love my Online Course: Find Your Passion and Purpose with my best-selling self-paced course made for busy people.

Featured client of the month: Carol!

Carol, you continue to inspire me with your love, honesty, strength and resilience! I am so honoured that, despite your husband being tragically taken so suddenly, you decided to show up for love. You shared how people expected you to give up on life, instead, you joined my LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! group coaching programme. It is my passion and purpose to help you bring forth the stories you have to share with the world and rebuild your life.

Posted in: Blog

Live Passionately!

The Joyful Artist

I am an artist, storyteller, intuitive guide, mentor and Reiki master. All my creations are infused with positive energy , inspiration, and light. I believe in magic and the power of beauty, joy, love, purpose, and creativity to transform your life. My greatest joy is helping your realize your dreams. That makes my soul sing!

P: +64 (0) 21 873 833
E: hello@thejoyfulartist.co.nz


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