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Creativity and The Successful Artists’ Mindset

May success never blur your vision. May failure only teach you how to begin again.

What does it mean to be resilient? It’s the ability to adopt the artists’ mindset, bounce back from setbacks and keep on keeping on.

Thank you to everyone who left such positive feedback when I first shared this photo of Festival of Colour heading to her new home.

“That painting is absolutely gorgeous. It completely changes that room.”


“Very impressive.”

I was due to ride with the professional art delivery folk today to help install two of my large scale works. The date has been booked for weeks. I finished the painting months ago. But last night I received this message, “Hi Sorry, will pick up and deliver Tuesday 13th, watching football tomorrow…”


Luckily the client is flexible, but I can’t be there to see it installed. Instead, I am feeling the joy vicariously with my mock-up of the actual wall Festival of Colour will be gracing.

It’s amazing how the right painting lifts a blank wall..especially on this grey winter’s day

This is A Great Story

Like many of my paintings, there It’s a great story behind Festival of Colour…the collectors had seen me share the image on social media (FB) and named it by saying!” Wow, that is a festival of colour”

Many of the names of my paintings are inspired by feedback. Like, “Really Cool” which was named by a lady in Texas who loved it so much she purchased it.

Really Cool, 38 cm x 76 cm x 4 cm, Copyright Cassandra Gaisford

In that moment the couple didn’t purchase Festival of Colour but later they saw it at an exhibition I had in my working studio/gallery Art@ Rangitane (appropriately called Return to Love), and they still loved it. But the timing was off. They were in the middle of major home improvements. Months later they saw Festival of Colour hanging in a local café—Art@Makana.

Festival of Colour
Festival of Colour, 901 mm x 901 mm, Copyright Cassandra Gaisford

The couple had commissioned another painting from me, a large piece they also named, “Always Summer.” and decided this one, now called “Festival of Colour” had to go with it.

Always Summer
Always Summer, 2400mm x1200mm, Copyright Cassandra Gaisford

Always Summer is a bespoke painting commissioned as a ‘statement piece’ to adorn the large white walls of their newly refurbished home. The brief was “we want it to always feel like summer.” This multi-layered painting embodies the new energy of flow, optimism, hope and renewal that our souls ache for after this tumultuous, confining time. To learn more about the process of this commission you may enjoy reading my blog: How To Commission a Painting


I may not have sold Trifle but I did sell Festival of Colour. It was a great reminder that art created with love is the greatest hope.

Having love, love, love and showing your work and timing can lead to sales. The other important tool is your mindset. You must be willing to begin again and again, even in the wake of failures.

I was reminded recently, that before the sale of Festival of Colour I had entered the 100×100 Art Show, an annual art exhibition here in the Bay of Islands. My piece was called Trifle and everyone told me that it looked delicious.

But it didn’t sell. I felt embarrassed. Ashamed. A failure.

Everyone, or so it seemed, had a bright red confident red ‘sold’ sticker next to my work. But mine didn’t. I thought about buying it myself so I could say, “Look. I’m good enough. Someone picked me.”

But then I started to question my mindset. Why did I think I was a failure because no one chose ‘me’? Why was I questioning my talent? Why was I telling myself I was a useless artist? That I had no ability?

“Love, love, love,” I told myself. “Love what shows up. Love the ups and downs, the sunshine and the storms. Trust that the sun will come again. Keep showing up.” I share more empowering strategies to do what you love in my group coaching programme, Love! Love! Love! If you have a dream, passion project or want to transform your life LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! is for you.

So I dusted myself off and, after the exhibition closed, I went to fetch ‘Trifle.’

“I’ve come to collect my painting,” I told the woman behind the counter at the Turner Centre.

“Did it sell?”

Did she have to ask me that? I thought, still feeling bruised.

“No, that piece didn’t sell,” I said, pumping nonchalance into my voice as I spoke. Don’t be a cry-baby. That one didn’t sell, but I have sold others. A lot of others, I told myself.

Two days later I received a message. “Put a sold sticker on Festival of Colour. We’d love that one, too.”

Trifle is now nestled in my bookcase feeling very happy and loved. I chose her. I chose myself.

As someone shared in Judy Woods fab Facebook artists community, (You may enjoy my interview with Judy Woods where we talk about bouncing back from setbacks, the gift of failure and more>>)

Yes indeed! When you love your work it is a pleasure to have it with you at home and when another loves it and makes it theirs it is a pleasure to have loved it and send it to another home to be loved! The journey of the artist is a marvelous one giving energy and love everyday! Thank you for this great post!


Collect evidence of your successes—including feedback—refer back to it

Reframe success—showing up and courage and creating all successes too

Look at other artists failures and take heart from them. In my Passion Journal I have the following quote by Brian Rutenberg, “Failures make up half of your creative career, once you embrace those bad things, you become stronger as a creative person.”

Keep creating

Join a supportive community and invest in yourself


Are you lovesick? Is beauty, love, creativity and joy missing from your life?

You can be like Tania who wrote to me, “Life just so stressful, I have to find a way to do something for me!” She’s investing in herself and gaining support to achieve her dreams by joining my group coaching programme Love! Love! Love

Or Naomi, a young mother, who shifted from burnout to bliss—trading a career she hated for one she loves, love, loves.

When we don’t do the things we love, when we neglect our hobbies, ignore our enthusiasms, and starve the things that bring meaning to our lives, our health can suffer.

“Persevere in the face of obstacles,” I encourage in Love! Love! Love—for courage is what is needed. The courage to follow your heart. The courage to follow your joy. The courage to allow ‘thy will be done” and find and follow your calling. Grit, passion and hard work offer a wry, knowing smile. Onwards and upwards.

Take positive steps, even baby ones, to create changes that transcend fears and help create the changes to help you reunite with your love.

~ Cassandra Gaisford



Are you ready to LOVE! LOVE! LOVE? Enrolments now open for my group coaching programme. 

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! is a bespoke and fun programme that brings structure, learning and clarity about what you love and how to take lovely practical and empowering steps to make it happen. I SHOW you at 50, 60, 70+ that it’s NOT TOO LATE TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE!!

  • Take stock of where you are right now in work, love, and life
  • Define where you want to go and what you want to create
  • Harness the laws of attraction, manifestation and the power of creativity to transform your life
  • Identify what’s holding you back and why
  • Unblock sabotaging patterns that are ruling your life and transform them into your unstoppable superpower
  • Tap into your intuition and learning to trust and empower it
  • Boost your self-esteem and self-worth and trust yourself
  • Balancing your masculine and feminine energy so you can balance living in your head and your heart
  • Discover and rewrite your money story and elevate your wealth consciousness to show up in your life
  • Master the art of surrender and detachment
  • The power of gratitude and forgiveness
  • Elevate your energy and live in the higher frequencies of gratitude, love, joy, beauty and pleasure
  • Master the art of receiving and practice prioritized Self-Care
  • Connect to your true desires and emotions and launch rockets of desire to get more of what you love, love, love!


Cassandra’s road map to Free To Be You PLUS 20 live calls consisting of:

A 2-hour intensive one-to-one call at the start

And 18 weekly 1-hour group coaching calls

(And you’ll have life-access to the recordings of these calls)

Videos, information sheets, reading lists, activities and weekly guidance on the next step for you.

I’m a woman with a passion.

I’m passionate about passion, joy and helping others live abundant, prosperous and beautiful love-filled lives. I know from experience this is possible for us all—and I also know from my personal and professional experience that it’s hard to achieve on your own.

I love helping people discover their purpose, passion, and potential.

I love guiding people to find their beauty spot—that unique place that resides within us all where talent, interest, and motivation intersect and enthusiasms collide.

I adore coaching creative people and helping those with a passion for running their own businesses, writing, photography, painting and other creative endeavours to bring their beautiful books and creations into the world. 

The course starts on the lucky Leo new moon of 9 August 2021

Classes will be small and fun! Don’t miss out. Only 2 spaces, for 6 lucky ladies.

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ENDS 20 July Learn more and enrol>>

Posted in: Blog

Creativity and The Successful Artists’ Mindset

The Joyful Artist

I am an artist, storyteller, intuitive guide, mentor and Reiki master. All my creations are infused with positive energy , inspiration, and light. I believe in magic and the power of beauty, joy, love, purpose, and creativity to transform your life. My greatest joy is helping your realize your dreams. That makes my soul sing!

P: +64 (0) 21 873 833
E: hello@thejoyfulartist.co.nz


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